Thursday, June 6, 2013

Gallery Show Final

Yesterday I got the experience to show others my photography at the Colombia Art Center. Having the experience of showing others all my art was delightful and it made me feel professional when people wanted to purchase my items. I think the biggest word of advice for next year’s A.P Art class would to use all the time they have very wisely, and not change their concentration half way through, and have make sure they come to class with an open mind and are able to take critics. The positive aspects that I encountered this year were having various classmates including the teacher compliment my art and inform me what I could change to make my art stronger. Something that I think could be done differently would be finding a way to make the critic funnier and not so boring, and have some time in class to take pictures of the assignments you assign us with.

 While taking this class I think the biggest thing I learned about myself was being able to come out of my shell and be open to take pictures whenever and wherever. I learned so much about all the different principles of design photography includes. I take my camera everywhere now and use all the skills I used to take my pictures. In the future I don’t plan on majoring in becoming a photographer; however I do plan on going into communications and taking photography for the newspaper as well possibly taking pictures for the university I attend to upload on their website, and possibly build my way up with photography and get as much opportunities as I can.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Week 6: Action, Motion, Play

              This week I really elaborated all the different techniques I have been working on throughout each week. I managed to incorporate more shots of my dog in action as well as interesting points of view from his perspective.  While working on taking my images of my dog I think my main struggle was trying not to center my pictures and work a little more on the rule of thirds as well as working with the contrast when I took shots in black and white. Throughout the series I wanted to demonstrate to my viewer a happy and cheerful perspective of dogs. I think I could have also shown the down side of having a dog. Such as cleaning up there remains and training them which is very time consuming.
During the break I took a trip to the Oregon Coast and that was where I managed to take more exquisite action shots. While taking these pictures I wanted to make sure I took semi close up images and got drops of water running down his fur. While I was on my trip I also took my dog to PetSmart which was where I took the image of the balls that look as if they locked up. That image teaches my dog life skills, because my dog viewed the balls as if they were locked up and he is learning patience. The remaining images simply demonstrate the insight of a dog’s life which to many of us  there life seems plain but potentially I believe dogs are just like humans unfortunately they got  trapped in a dogs body.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Week 5

During this week I managed to combine all my ideas and realize how I wanted to incorporate them. I was really having difficulty managing how to bring them together, but I think this coming week I will be taking more images in the perspective of a dog, and combine more feeling/emotion into the owners face, because in the former image the feeling wasn’t what I wanted to incorporate. While on break I will be taking action images and try to get the viewer to visually analyze the life of the dog. This week I worked on finding ways and techniques on how to use settings on my camera to be able to catch much clearer images. I managed to take an image of my dog waiting outside in the rain to be placed inside with his family; although I only have one image I worked more this week on finding ways how using my camera will enable me to incorporate more of what I want.


Friday, March 15, 2013

Week 4

During this week I wanted to enable the viewer to experience the life of a dog. Since the dog can only see in black in white I made my all my images this week in black in white.  The first image you see is the owner feeding the dog human food. I made the owner look huge by having the camera is at the dog’s eye level. The second image I placed a treat in front of my dog which demonstrates his patience and what he goes through in waiting to be told his commands. The third image ties down to the explanation I just gave. The last two images were taken outside which allows you to view more in depth of what the dog smells witnesses while playing outside. Although the image with the ball in which I added color doesn’t quite go with me giving the viewer the sense of a dog’s life I wanted to add more color to the image just so the feeling isn’t sad rather cheerful because a dog’s life is cheerful when taken outside. Next week I plan to take more images of a dog’s life but perhaps working in adding color to one image, I also plan on taking more action shots of the dog while catching a ball.
I also need to work more on the lighting in the house and editing on Photoshop with the auto contrast if I going to be making the images in black in white. This is another thing I will work with next week with my other images.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Week 3: Bringing ideas together

In this week I have elaborated a vast majority of ideas; however bringing them all together is the trouble I am facing. I am taking images of my dog, but I am not sure if I am just taking images of him or if I am using other dogs. I would like to incorporate other dogs just to allow my concentration to have more variety. This week I tried putting two images together with other colorful and simplistic images I took. I want to try to pursue a message while putting two images together. I also want to include more action shots of my dog. Below I managed to take a couple action shots and you can also see I included the comparison of two images to pursue a message. Perhaps you can see the message right away or it might conclude you to do some thinking. I am still trying to figure out what and how I am going to incorporate my ideas together, but continue taking images will allow me to analyze how I will incorporate my ideas together.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Week 2

The following images I took while playing catch with my dog. The first image demonstrate the peacefulness my dog brings to me. In the second image it shows the responsibility my dog takes like following directions. The third image provides humor to inform the viewer how my dog brings happiness to my world. It was difficult to try to have him sit still, but I was able to get some good shots. I want to try to get more action shots for example when he is catching the ball or running. I think my images will be stronger and more humorous. Let me know which image you enjoy the best.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week One: Changing the Brains Ideas

As I took these images I wasn’t aware of what my concentration series I was going to do; however I wanted to work with line and repetition, space and colors. The reason for me wanting to use these principles of compostion was because the mood these images provide allow them to realte to my personality. It wasn’t difficult to find objects that repeated and obviously had colors so while taking these images I was thinking of other ideas I would love to work with. I wanted to challenge myself and allowing my viewer to witness I went out of my way to catch my images this is why I decided to change my concentration series. In the following images you will view I was experimenting what settings to use as well as trying to find objects that fitted with the concentration series I was thinking on doing at that time.