Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Week 2

The following images I took while playing catch with my dog. The first image demonstrate the peacefulness my dog brings to me. In the second image it shows the responsibility my dog takes like following directions. The third image provides humor to inform the viewer how my dog brings happiness to my world. It was difficult to try to have him sit still, but I was able to get some good shots. I want to try to get more action shots for example when he is catching the ball or running. I think my images will be stronger and more humorous. Let me know which image you enjoy the best.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week One: Changing the Brains Ideas

As I took these images I wasn’t aware of what my concentration series I was going to do; however I wanted to work with line and repetition, space and colors. The reason for me wanting to use these principles of compostion was because the mood these images provide allow them to realte to my personality. It wasn’t difficult to find objects that repeated and obviously had colors so while taking these images I was thinking of other ideas I would love to work with. I wanted to challenge myself and allowing my viewer to witness I went out of my way to catch my images this is why I decided to change my concentration series. In the following images you will view I was experimenting what settings to use as well as trying to find objects that fitted with the concentration series I was thinking on doing at that time.